MEAN Basic

MEAN Basic

Posted by Shi


MangoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, Node.js

Setup express server

mkdir mean-todo
cd mean-todo
mkdir src

npm init

package.json will be create which keeps third party node modules up to date, manage dependencies

make a dir named “public” to keep all the public resorses, like image

cd public

git clone .

The point at the end copy the content of this repo in the folder but not the angular-basics folder

Install Express

npm install express --save-exact

express is located in node_modules folder

Create app.js file

nano src/app.js

Node will start the server with this file

Ignore node_modules

echo 'node_modules' >> .gitignore

Set the app.js by adding the following code:

'use strict';
//to use express we need to require express
var express = require('express');

//create an instance of express server, this instance allow us to setup the server when we need
var app = express();

//specific the folder should read
app.use('/', express.static('public'));

//app listern to port 3000
app.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log("server is running");

Start the server by

node src/app.js

Other way to start the node server is using nodemon, it will automatcally restart the server when change occoured:

npm install -g nodemon 

Start server


check if server running by


Setup Express Routes

Add the foloowing code to app,js to get the data from server:

'use strict';
//to use express we need to require express
var express = require('express');

//create an instance of express server, this instance allow us to setup the server when we need
var app = express();

//app listern to port 3000
app.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log("server is running");

//to handle multi routes
var router= express.Router();

//get todos
router.get('/todos', function(req, res){

//autoroute adding api prefix

Refactor api calls

src/app.js ‘use strict’; //to use express we need to require express var express = require(‘express’); var router = require(‘./api’);

//create an instance of express server, this instance allow us to setup the server when we need
var app = express();

//app listern to port 3000
app.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log("server is running");

//autoroute adding api prefix

create src/api/index.js file:

'use strict';
var express = require('express');

//to handle multi routes
var router= express.Router();

//get todos
router.get('/todos', function(req, res){