Git Basics

Some useful command lines

Posted by Shi

Authentication (2FA)

Command line

  1. Generate new token select permissions repo

  2. Use generated token as password to authenticate login

    Username: your_username
    Password: your_token

Git commit

  1. git add . to add your changes to git

  2. git commit -m "commit msg"

Fetch and Rebase remote version

  1. Before fetch remote repo, be sure you have already committed your changes
  2. git fetch
  3. git rebase origin/master (Put the name of your branch)
  4. Resolve conflict if there are
  5. git add .
  6. git rebase --continue


Merge a git branch into master

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge name_of_branch_to_merge

Make a branch as master branch

git checkout master
git checkout -b name_of_copy_of_master_branch //make a copy of master branch
git checkout master
git reset --hard b8c3(form which commit created the branch)
git merge name_of_branch_to_merge
git branch -d name_of_branch_to_merge

Ignore committed folder

  1. nano .gitignore
  2. add Pods/ in .gitignore
  3. git rm -r --cached Pods/
  4. git commit -m "remove pods"
  5. git push


Rename branch

1. Rename your local branch. If you are on the branch you want to rename:

`git branch -m new-name`

If you are on a different branch:

`git branch -m old-name new-name`

2. Delete the old-name remote branch and push the new-name local branch.

`git push origin :old-name new-name`

3. Reset the upstream branch for the new-name local branch. Switch to the branch and then:

`git push origin -u new-name`

Delete branch

git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D

grep -v: Fetch all branches exclude the branches that its name contains word “master”.

xargs: Kind of for each loop


Search Commit

Method 1:

  2. Insert user/repo and content to look for user:shic repo:react-boilerplate-2017 table

Method 2:

git log -g -i --grep='Table'
git log --all --oneline | grep -i "Table"

-i: ignore case

’ ‘ or “ “ both works

Git log

git reflog

Delete github remote commit

  1. git reset –hard 894c60974b
  2. git push -f

Bug detect

Git checkout

git checkout {commit}
git chekout master //remember to checkout to master before any commit!!!

Git bisect

git bisect start
git bisect bad # to indicate current commit is broken
git bisect good {commit} # to indicate the last good commit
git bisect bad|good # you'll run this command over and over while Git changes commits to find which commit introduced the bug
git bisect reset # to bail out of everything and move back to original HEAD (i.e. the latest broken commit)

You can also filter what commits are included in a bisect like so:

git bisect start -- ./sub_directory

This will mean only commits that affected files inside of ./sub_directory are considered.

Note: you can also specify a range of commits to skip: git bisect skip 0dae5f ff049ab ...

Create a branch from uncommitted changes


git checkout -b new_branch_name
git add .
git commit -m "<Brief description of this commit>"

Change remote url

  1. Check remote url git remote -v
  2. Change remote url ` git remote set-url origin`


Duplicate a repository

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository.

    git clone --bare

    Got temporary local repository repo old-repository.git

  2. Mirror-push to the new repository.

    cd old-repository.git
    git push --mirror
  3. Remove the temporary local repository you created

Keep your fork repo synced

  1. Fetch the branches and their respective commits from the upstream repository.

    Commits to master will be stored in a local branch, upstream/master.

    git fetch upstream
  2. Merge the changes from upstream/master into your local master branch.

    git checkout master // Switched to branch 'master'
    git merge upstream/master

Add remote upstream (If not added)

  1. Get remote URL:

    git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
  2. Add remote upstream

    git remote add upstream

    and verify if new upstream added

    git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

Git Large File Storage

Install LFS

  1. xcode-select –install
  2. brew install git-lfs
  3. git lfs install

Moving a file in your repository to Git Large File Storage

  1. git lfs migrate info //Check large files
  2. git lfs track "*.sketch"
  3. git add .gitattributes

Git hook

  1. Create pre-commit file in .git/hooks
  2. Remember to change the access permissions: ` chmod +x pre-commit`
  3. pre-commit file:
    gofiles=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | grep '.go$')
    [ -z "$gofiles" ] && exit 0
    function checkfmt() {
      unformatted=$(gofmt -l $gofiles)
      [ -z "$unformatted" ] && return 0
      echo >&2 "Go files must be formatted with gofmt. Please run:"
      for fn in $unformatted; do
        echo >&2 "  gofmt -w $PWD/$fn"
      return 1
    checkfmt || fail=yes
    [ -z "$fail" ] || exit 1
    exit 0
Note:  Bash instruction
  1. You can link script to .git/hooks/pre-commit if you want to commit script. Goto root path and execute:
ln -s ../../ .git/hooks/pre-commit

Skip the pre-commit hook

Be aware of the --no-verify option to git commit. This bypasses the pre-commit hook when committing